The benefits of partnering with a provider who offers an end-to-end digital trade credit solution cannot be overstated.
An end-to-end solution is one which relies as little as possible on third parties and can cover all aspects of the order-to-cash cycle, including: credit scoring, fraud checks, payment processing, financing, insurance and collections.

Most providers are only able to offer two or three of these services, or are heavily reliant on third-parties which can have a negative impact on key factors such as offer rate, credit limits and the speed of the solution. This means B2B merchants are left trying to tie together multiple solutions, chasing several partners and dealing with far more admin than necessary.
To explore this further, over the next few months we are going to be running a series of six webinars, with each one focusing on a specific element of the order-to-cash trade credit journey.
Below are the links to rewatch all of the webinars: