Episode 08: What are the benefits of Open Banking for B2B sellers?


In the final episode of this series of The B2B Club, we are joined by Hokodo’s Director of Data Science & Fraud Nicolas Rabinovitch and Oscar Wislby, the co-founder of Open Banking provider FUSE, as we aim to delve deeper into Open Banking and how it is increasingly being applied in the world of B2B trade.

Since 2018, Open Banking has helped to promote greater competition, innovation and choice in the banking and financial services sector, making it one of the hottest topics in the industry. What’s more, with the European Commission’s recent announcement of its new payments proposal - including PSD3 and PSR - there are strong hopes that we will see further adoption of the technology by both businesses and consumers across Europe. 

Listen to the episode now to find out:

  • The different use cases of Open Banking
  • How Open Banking can be used to minimise credit and fraud risk
  • What can be done to increase the adoption of Open Banking

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