Inside Hokodo

A day in the life of an Operations Analyst at Hokodo

Theo Dias
Operations Analyst

Our biggest client is having a sale – very exciting! However, this comes with an increase in requests and orders which as an operations team we need to manage. Therefore, we begin the day with a five-minute team stand up to allocate our resources according to the volumes. This involves quite a few team members agreeing to take up tasks that fall outside of their job description – not a problem here. Hokodo is not a company which concerns itself with the technicalities of what should be within your scope of your job or not. Instead, we focus on how to deal with these problems as one team. We fight as a team and we win as a team!

I then jump on a call with the Jedis so we can discuss any new deals coming through. The sales team have named themselves Jedis – I wonder what that makes the rest of the company? Sith lords blocking their deals due to “high risk”? Friendly Wookies who don’t quite have the same communication skills as them? I feel an equal sense of excitement and apprehension at the sheer amount of deals coming through our pipeline. Excitement because it shows the incredible rate the company is growing at; apprehension at the amount of work our operations team will have to do.

After this meeting, I begin to go through some of my business as usual tasks. My daily tasks are pretty varied, from responding to merchant queries to doing manual fraud reviews with the odd bit of accounting sprinkled in.

Theo smiles for a black and white headshot.

Today, we invited a potential new joiner to have lunch with us at BunBunBun, a Vietnamese restaurant near our Shoreditch office. This is great for a few different reasons: potential new joiners get to learn more about Hokodo and what it’s like in an informal setting, while Hokodians get to meet potential new coworkers and, most importantly, free lunch for me!

I make a swift exit from the restaurant as I have to jump on a call with one of our clients who is onboarding. The aim of this call is to run some tests and check they have integrated our software properly. I have some help from one of our engineers to do this as well. Basically, we go on to their testing environment and try to break as many things as possible. The next step is to write up our findings and share them with our client’s engineering team. 

That’s me done with meetings for the rest of the day. At this point, I focus on building some dashboards for our various stakeholders. A lot of this data can be found manually by some manipulation in Google Sheets but turning it into a dashboard makes everyone's life easier. Here in the ops team, we aim to do everything once and then for it to be automated forever!

The clock strikes 6pm and I head home, looking forward to a brand new challenge tomorrow. One thing is for sure: no two days are the same at Hokodo!

Do you see yourself as a Jedi in the Hokodo sales team or are you better suited as an operations expert like Theo? At Hokodo there’s a place for everyone – check out our current job vacancies to find yours.